His Hope Uganda - Who we are

His Hope Uganda is a small organization that began quietly in 2009 to provide sponsorship to 47 Ugandan children in the Jinja District. Since then, the ministry has grown to about 150 children in the sponsorship program, and built over 40 houses and 40 toilet facilities as well as provided medical assistance to hundreds of individuals.



This program offers educational, medical, spiritual, and emotional support to students who may not otherwise have access to it. The educational component includes covering fees for tuition, school uniforms, shoes and socks, and a long list of supplies from brooms to soap and toilet tissue. Each student and his or her family’s basic medical care is also provided.


This initiative is designed to help families living in dangerous and unfavorable conditions (such as mold, rats, leaks and a multitude of insects) by replacing their unstable and sometimes incomplete houses with safe, permanent brick structures. The building of houses is funded by specific donations toward this program…


Safe and sanitary latrines are built for families who do not have sanitary facilities. The latrines include both a toilet and bathing area and are constructed with a metal roof, brick walls and a concrete floor.  These are in great need to improve local sanitation and provide privacy and dignity to the Ugandan families.


A child and their immediate family’s basic medical needs (malaria, typhoid, minor illnesses and injuries) are covered under his or her child sponsorship donations. However, medical emergencies, such as sudden life threatening conditions, broken bones and immediate surgical needs often arise which are more costly.

How Can You Help Us?

Sponsorship Program

Interested in changing children’s lives through sponsorship? Find out how

Support us in Prayer

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Join a Team

We believe that short-term missions work, both as teams and individually, is an important aspect of our ministry

Make a donation

Our two most areas of need are our General Fund (covers the operational expenses to run the ministry) and Medical Assistance (aids those requiring medical care)


Interested in working with His Hope Uganda?